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Contributing to RDF-STaX

Do you have an idea for how to improve RDF-STaX? Or maybe you found a bug? Any contributions are welcome!

Filing issues

Feature requests, bug reports, and other issues can be filed in the issue tracker on GitHub.


You can join the Discord chat to discuss RDF-STaX with the community.

Editing the ontology

The ontology is stored in the src directory of the main repository. It is split into two files:

  • The main ontology file is src/stax.ttl. It should be edited with Protégé.
    • Do not add information about the authors/contributors there. This is done in the src/authors.ttl file (see below).
    • Do not set the ontology's version IRI or version – this is done automatically in CI during release.
    • You must keep this file valid OWL 2 DL. The CI will check it when you open a pull request.
  • The src/authors.ttl file contains information about the authors/contributors of the ontology. It should be edited manually with a text editor.
  • The src/alignments.ttl file contains alignments to other vocabularies. It should be edited manually with a text editor.

Pull requests are welcome.

Competency question tests

The competency question tests are stored in the tests directory, divided into subdirectories by use cases – uc{X}. Each test is defined as a pair of files: a YAML file named cq{X}-{Y}.yaml, and SPARQL file named cq{X}-{Y}.rq, where {X} is the use case number and {Y} is the test number. The YAML file contains the metadata of the test, and the SPARQL file contains the query to be executed against the ontology.

The YAML file must adhere to the JSON Schema defined in the tests/test-schema.json file. The CI will check if the tests are valid when you open a pull request.

In each use case directory there is also an file that describes the use case. This file is used to generate the documentation on the website.

A list of all implemented competency question tests can be found in the documentation.

CI pipeline

The CI automatically publishes the ontology (see the releases section below) and pushes it to the website. The CI does the following:

  • Check if the ontology is valid and matches the OWL 2 DL profile (with ROBOT).
  • Validate the competency question tests and run them agains the ontology.
  • Set the ontology's version IRI and version.
  • Save an OWL 2 DL version of the ontology in all supported formats.
  • Infer additional statements with ROBOT.
  • Merge in the author information from src/authors.ttl.
  • Merge in the alignments to other vocabularies from src/alignments.ttl.
  • Serialize the ontology in all supported formats.

The CI code can be found in the ci-worker repository. The code there is licensed under Apache 2.0.

Editing documentation

Documentation is also stored in the main repository, in the docs directory. You can open a pull request for any of the files there, except the ones in the includes subdirectory. These files are generated automatically in the CI pipeline.

You can also use the Edit this page link in the top right corner of each page on the website to edit the page directly on GitHub.


The dev (development) version corresponds to the main branch of the repository. A new development release is made automatically every time a commit is pushed to the main branch.

The stable versions (e.g., 1.0.0) are created manually by the maintainer. To create a new tagged release:

  1. Check out the main branch of the main repo on your local machine.
  2. Update the main branch by running git pull. Make sure the pull was successful.
  3. Create a new tag with the version number: git tag vX.Y.Z.
  4. Push the tag to GitHub: git push origin --tag vX.Y.Z.

The rest of the process is automatic. Make sure to prepend v before the version tag, e.g., v1.0.0. Otherwise, the release will not be created.

See also