RDF-STaX ontology documentation
You can also download other versions of the ontology or an OWL 2 DL version. See the versioning and releases section below for more information.
The documentation and the download links here are for the release version of the ontology. The ontology sources are available on GitHub – see also Contributing.
- Publisher(s)
- Creator(s)
Piotr Sowiński
- Contributor(s)
Paweł Szmeja
- Created
- 2023-10-22T00:00:00
- Modified
- 2024-06-04T16:14:04
- Issued
- 2023-10-23T00:00:00
- Version Information
- 1.1.1
- Version URI
- https://w3id.org/stax/1.1.1/ontology
- Imports
- License
- https://spdx.org/licenses/CC-BY-4.0
- Source
- https://github.com/RDF-STaX/rdf-stax.github.io/tree/v1.1.1
RDF-STaX is an OWL 2 DL ontology that enables describing the types of RDF streams and defines relations between them.
Table of Contents
Classes ↑
- Abstract RDF stream type
- Concrete RDF stream type
- RDF element type
- RDF stream type
- RDF stream type usage
Abstract RDF stream typec # Classes
URI | https://w3id.org/stax/ontology#AbstractRdfStreamType |
Description |
Class for abstract RDF stream types in the taxonomy. Instances of this class have abstract definitions, i.e., they cannot be used to annotate real streams. They are only intended to be used for reasoning about stream types. |
Super-classes |
RDF stream typec |
Members |
stax:flatStream stax:rdfStream stax:groupedStream |
Concrete RDF stream typec # Classes
URI | https://w3id.org/stax/ontology#ConcreteRdfStreamType |
Description |
Class for the concrete RDF stream types in the taxonomy. Instances of this class have concrete definitions, and they can be used to annotate real streams. |
Super-classes |
RDF stream typec |
Restrictions |
has element typeop some RDF element typec has element typeop only RDF element typec |
In domain of |
can be trivially extended intoop can be flattened intoop is in stream type semantic relation withop can be grouped intoop has element typeop |
In range of |
has stream typeop can be grouped intoop is in stream type semantic relation withop can be flattened intoop can be trivially extended intoop |
Members |
stax:namedGraphStream stax:flatTripleStream stax:graphStream stax:flatQuadStream stax:datasetStream stax:timestampedNamedGraphStream stax:subjectGraphStream |
RDF element typec # Classes
URI | https://w3id.org/stax/ontology#RdfElementType |
Description |
Class for base types of elements in RDF streams. There are four instances of this class (triple, quad, graph, dataset) and they should not be further specialized. The instances of this class do NOT form a taxonomical structure. |
In range of |
has element typeop |
Members |
stax:dataset stax:quad stax:triple stax:graph |
RDF stream typec # Classes
URI | https://w3id.org/stax/ontology#RdfStreamType |
Description |
Base class for RDF stream types. This class should not be used directly – use instead either stax:AbstractRdfStreamType or stax:ConcreteRdfStreamType. |
Super-classes |
skos:Conceptc |
Sub-classes |
Concrete RDF stream typec Abstract RDF stream typec |
RDF stream type usagec # Classes
URI | https://w3id.org/stax/ontology#RdfStreamTypeUsage |
Description |
Class for instances of using an RDF stream type, in a program, an academic paper, or elsewhere. This class is suitable for annotating both theoretical uses and practical ones, i.e., real streams or datasets. Instances of this class should have the stax:hasStreamType property pointing to a concrete stream type. The stax:usedIn property is recommended to indicate where the stream is used – alternatively you can use its inverse (stax:hasStreamTypeUsage). The use of other properties (e.g., rdfs:label, rdfs:comment) is encouraged to give more context about the usage. Note that "stream type usage" is a subjective assertion and instances of this class may be annotated with additional provenance properties to explain who made the assertion. There can be multiple views on what type of stream is in use, depending on the involved actor, processing step, etc. |
Example(s) |
https://w3id.org/stax/dev/use-it/ |
Restrictions |
has stream typeop only Concrete RDF stream typec |
In domain of |
has stream typeop is usage ofop |
In range of |
has stream type usageop |
Object Properties ↑
- can be flattened into
- can be grouped into
- can be trivially extended into
- has element type
- has stream type
- has stream type usage
- is usage of
- is in stream type semantic relation with
can be flattened intoop # OPs
URI | https://w3id.org/stax/ontology#canBeFlattenedInto |
Description |
Indicates that the subject stream type can be flattened into the object. The flattening is done by enumerating all components of the stream elements in one, flat stream. For example, a graph stream can be flattened into a flat triple stream. |
Super-properties | is in stream type semantic relation withop |
Domain(s) | Concrete RDF stream typec |
Range(s) | stax:ConcreteRdfStreamTypec |
can be grouped intoop # OPs
URI | https://w3id.org/stax/ontology#canBeGroupedInto |
Description |
Indicates that the subject stream type can be grouped into the object. The grouping is done by splitting the flat stream of statements into groups, which then can be used to construct elements of the grouped stream. For example, a flat triple stream can be grouped into a graph stream. In this operation, the ordering information within a group is lost. |
Super-properties | is in stream type semantic relation withop |
Domain(s) | Concrete RDF stream typec |
Range(s) | stax:ConcreteRdfStreamTypec |
can be trivially extended intoop # OPs
URI | https://w3id.org/stax/ontology#canBeTriviallyExtendedInto |
Description |
Indicates that the subject stream type that uses triples or graphs can be trivially extended into the object type that uses quads or datasets. The extension is done by (in case of flat RDF streams) adding a fourth component, corresponding to the default graph. In case of grouped RDF streams, the contents of the graph are placed explicitly in the default graph. |
Super-properties | is in stream type semantic relation withop |
Domain(s) | Concrete RDF stream typec |
Range(s) | stax:ConcreteRdfStreamTypec |
has element typeop # OPs
URI | https://w3id.org/stax/ontology#hasElementType |
Description |
For an RDF stream type, indicates the base (primitive) type of elements in the stream (e.g., triple, quad, graph, dataset). |
Domain(s) | Concrete RDF stream typec |
Range(s) | stax:RdfElementTypec |
has stream typeop # OPs
URI | https://w3id.org/stax/ontology#hasStreamType |
Description |
For an RDF stream type usage, this property indicates which stream type is used. |
Domain(s) | RDF stream type usagec |
Range(s) | stax:ConcreteRdfStreamTypec |
has stream type usageop # OPs
URI | https://w3id.org/stax/ontology#hasStreamTypeUsage |
Description |
Inverse of stax:isUsageOf – indicates that the subject is related to a usage of an RDF stream type. The subject for this property can be for example a published stream on the Web (e.g., vocals:RDFStream) or a scientific publication that discusses a usage of an RDF stream type. |
Inverse properties | is usage ofop |
Range(s) | stax:RdfStreamTypeUsagec |
is usage ofop # OPs
URI | https://w3id.org/stax/ontology#isUsageOf |
Description |
For an RDF stream type usage, this property indicates where the stream was used or from where the usage was derived. The value of this property can be anything that makes sense for the desired use case. The value can be for example: the DOI URL of an academic work, URL of a piece of software, IRI of a published stream, IRI of an RDF dataset. Inverse of stax:hasStreamTypeUsage. |
Domain(s) | RDF stream type usagec |
is in stream type semantic relation withop # OPs
URI | https://w3id.org/stax/ontology#streamTypeSemanticRelation |
Description |
This property should not be used directly, but as a super-property for all properties denoting a relationship of meaning between RDF stream types. |
Super-properties | skos:semanticRelation |
Domain(s) | Concrete RDF stream typec |
Range(s) | stax:ConcreteRdfStreamTypec |
Annotation Properties ↑
Named Individuals ↑
- Flat RDF quad stream
- Flat RDF stream
- Flat RDF triple stream
- Grouped RDF stream
- RDF Stream Taxonomy
- RDF dataset
- RDF dataset stream
- RDF graph
- RDF graph stream
- RDF named graph stream
- RDF quad
- RDF stream
- RDF subject graph stream
- RDF triple
- Timestamped RDF named graph stream
RDF Stream Taxonomyni
Source | https://github.com/RDF-STaX/rdf-stax.github.io/tree/v1.1.1 |
Description | RDF-STaX is an OWL 2 DL ontology that enables describing the types of RDF streams and defines relations between them. |
RDF datasetni
Description | https://www.w3.org/TR/rdf11-concepts/#section-dataset |
RDF dataset streamni
Description | An RDF dataset stream is a grouped RDF stream whose elements are RDF datasets. |
Flat RDF quad streamni
Description | A flat RDF quad stream is a flat RDF stream whose elements are quads. |
Flat RDF streamni
Description | A flat RDF stream is an RDF stream whose elements are statements (either RDF triples or RDF quads). |
Flat RDF triple streamni
Description | A flat RDF triple stream is a flat RDF stream whose elements are triples. |
RDF graphni
Description | https://www.w3.org/TR/rdf11-concepts/#section-rdf-graph |
RDF graph streamni
Description | An RDF graph stream is a grouped RDF stream whose elements are unnamed (default) RDF graphs. |
Grouped RDF streamni
Description | A grouped RDF stream is an RDF stream whose elements are either RDF graphs or RDF datasets. |
RDF named graph streamni
Description |
An RDF named graph stream is an RDF dataset stream in which every element has exactly one named RDF graph pair |
RDF quadni
Description | https://www.w3.org/TR/2023/WD-rdf12-concepts-20231013/#section-dataset-quad |
RDF streamni
Description | An RDF stream is an ordered, potentially infinite sequence of RDF stream elements. |
RDF subject graph streamni
Description | An RDF subject graph stream is an RDF graph stream in which every element contains an IRI node (called the subject node) that uniquely identifies the graph in the stream. Every other node in the graph can be reached by traversing triples, starting from the subject node. |
Timestamped RDF named graph streamni
Description |
A timestamped named graph is an RDF dataset in which: (1) there is exactly one named RDF graph pair |
RDF tripleni
Description | https://www.w3.org/TR/rdf11-concepts/#section-triples |
Namespaces ↑
- default (stax)
- brick
- csvw
- dc
- dcam
- dcat
- dcmitype
- dcterms
- doap
- foaf
- geo
- ldes
- ns1
- odrl
- org
- owl
- prof
- prov
- qb
- rdf
- rdfs
- schema1
- sd
- sdo
- sh
- skos
- sosa
- ssn
- time
- vann
- vocals
- void
- wgs
- xsd
c | Classes |
op | Object Properties |
fp | Functional Properties |
dp | Data Properties |
ap | Annotation Properties |
p | Properties |
ni | Named Individuals |
OWL 2 Profiles
The ontology is written in OWL 2 DL. It is checked for compliance with the profile in the CI pipeline.
RDF-STaX imports SKOS, which is OWL 2 Full by default. There is however a subset of SKOS that is OWL 2 DL, and this is the version of SKOS that is used in RDF-STaX.
The released version of the ontology includes additional assertions (inferred, authorship, alignments) that are not part of the ontology itself. These assertions may be in OWL 2 Full. To get the OWL 2 DL version of the ontology, see the notes on versioning and releases below.
Versioning and releases
RDF-STaX follows the Semantic Versioning 2 scheme. The version number is stored in the owl:versionInfo
annotation property of the ontology and is a part of the version IRI. The dev
version corresponds to the main
branch of the repository. When you don't specify a version, the dev
version is used.
The dropdown at the top of the page allows you to switch between different versions of the documentation. Previous releases can also be found on GitHub.
The released versions of the ontology include also the inferred statements, authorship information, and alignments to other ontologies. If you would like to get the raw ontology without these additions (OWL 2 DL), append /dl
to the URL, e.g., https://w3id.org/stax/ontology/dl
Released versions of the ontology are available in the JSON-LD, N-Triples, RDF/XML, and Turtle formats, by appending their respective extension at the end of the ontology's URL, or with the content negotiation mechanism. Some examples of links that would work:
(content negotiation)https://w3id.org/stax/ontology.rdf
(explicitly ask for RDF/XML)https://w3id.org/stax/ontology/dl.rdf
(OWL 2 DL version, explicitly ask for RDF/XML)https://w3id.org/stax/dev/ontology
(content negotiation)https://w3id.org/stax/dev/ontology/dl
(OWL 2 DL version, content negotiation)https://w3id.org/stax/dev/ontology.ttl
(explicitly ask for Turtle)https://w3id.org/stax/1.0.0/ontology
(content negotiation)https://w3id.org/stax/1.0.0/ontology.jsonld
(explicitly ask for JSON-LD)
The RDF of the ontology can only be accessed via the ontology's PURL (https://w3id.org/stax/...
), not via the URL you currently see in your browser.
The process for making releases is described on the Contributing page.
Archival in Zenodo
Each RDF-STaX release is archived in Zenodo under this DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.10072907.
Ontology repositories
The RDF-STaX ontology is registered in the following ontology repositories:
- Linked Open Vocabularies (LOV)
- DBpedia Archivo
- Additionally, the ontology prefix is registered in prefix.cc.
These repositories provide visibility to RDF-STaX and help ensure its long-term availability.